
Pre-defined algorithms
lowest Your price will be the lowest.
x lowest Your price will be the xth lowest.
average 3 Price becomes the average of the three lowest prices.
average x Price becomes the average of the x lowest prices.
x lowest by $y Undercut the xth lowest price by y amount. If using a negative amount then charge a premium over the xth lowest price.
x lowest y% Undercut the xth lowest price by y percent. If using a negative percentage then charge a premium over the xth lowest price.
Page #1 Applies X lowest $Y but if price would place your item beyond Page #1 then reprice listing so it appears at the bottom of Page #1. When placing on Page #1 ignore all settings except keywords and conditions. **Premium algorithm available at additional cost.
Discount X Days $Y Applies a fixed price discount of $Y every X days. Time is based on last price revision. Any price revision will reset the counter.
Discount X Days Y% Applies a price discount of Y% every X days. Time is based on last price revision. Any price revision will reset the counter.
Average X Y% Sets price to the price computed by "Average X" minus Y%.
$X Domestic $Y Int. Performs "X Lowest" algorithm but makes price lower $X if competitor is located in the same country or $Y if competitor is located in a different country.
Lowest By X% $Y Set price to the lowest found then subtract X% and $Y.
Amazon +X% eBay -$Y Ideal for eBay dropshippers using Amazon as their source. Specify markup over Amazon's lowest price and how much to undercut lowest eBay price if lowest eBay price is higher than marked up price. If no Amazon price found price is based on "No competition found".
Elastic Price Spectre will determine a new price every X days based on the changing sales performance to maximize your profit.

In addition to the above algorithms Baťa pricing can be enabled for each listing.  Baťa pricing is a method of psychological pricing which rounds the calculated price up to the nearest 99¢.  If rank cannot be preserved by ending the price in 99¢ it will be end in 9¢ instead.  If ending in 9¢ is also not possible the final price will be the same as originally calculated by the chosen algorithm.  Default behavior will use 99¢ but this number can be configured from the "Behaviors" page.

Custom algorithms can be created via the Algorithm Editor.  For more information see the HTML or PDF documentation.